Rae Harper Rae Harper

Could better boundaries save your job?

There are two main reasons why you part ways with your job: 1. The powers that be no longer want you there and 2. You no longer want to be there.

This blog’s for the people in group 2. If you’re in group 1 - keep reading anyway as this will help you too, and I’ll also have something just for you on the blog soon. So, if you’ve fallen out of love with your work, could better boundaries save your job?

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Rae Harper Rae Harper

What does learning at work look like to you?

13-19 May 2024 is Learning At Work week, and I’d love you to get involved! Whether your organisation has something planned or not, here are some practical ways you can get more meaningful learning going at work. Without time-wasting tick box exercises. It’s all about creating and taking the opportunities that mean something to you.

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Rae Harper Rae Harper

You’re never going to feel like you belong at work until you do this

How much do you feel like you can be you in your workplace? Or are you putting on an act, being the role you think you need to be? In this blog we’ll explore why all of this matters - both for your career and your mental heath. Let’s dig into what it really means to belong in your workplace.

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Rae Harper Rae Harper

You can’t write it wrong? Really?

I’d forgotten how to write. Who knew that was even possible?! But in the corporate world of work, I got stuck. I got stuck with how to speak, write and even ‘be’.

In this blog I share my ‘transition back from corporate-me, to being ‘me’ again. And it all starts with letting go of imposter syndrome, but I had to find that out for myself...

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Rae Harper Rae Harper

Four ways to take control of your career

One of the biggest myths about career planning is that you have to know what you want before you can start to make changes.

Here’s the truth: most people I work with don’t have a clear direction in mind. Does that mean they have to wait until they figure it out to take action? No! But you can waste a lot of time and energy going round in circles.

Read my latest blog to find out how you can take control of your career NOW, even if you don’t know what you’d like to do.

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Rae Harper Rae Harper

Five essentials steps to midlife career change as a working mum

What’s makes the difference between putting up with a situation and deciding you’ve had enough?

How do you go from one to the other?

In my latest blog I share how that happened for me, and the five essential steps to navigating your midlife career change as a working mum.

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Rae Harper Rae Harper

Shine a light on your working year with these 2 Questions

If you want next year to feel different, you need to look at this year first! The last weeks of the year are a frenzy for many of us, I know - they are here too.

Every year, before the school holidays start, I take an hour for myself. I go somewhere peaceful and soothing (though by all means, you can do this with Wham on repeat in the background, if that’s your thing).

Here’s how to shine a light on your working year with just 2 questions, so you can feel excited for 2024.

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Rae Harper Rae Harper

Four ways to develop REAL resilience as a leader

Resilience is all about being able to bounce back after a setback. And it’s a great skill to have: from grazing your knee in the playground as a five year old, to not getting the promotion as a 32 year old, or navigating divorce as a 46 year old. Life contains all the chocolates (remember Forest Gump?), and sooner or later you’ll get the coffee cream (or toffee penny, or whatever).

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Rae Harper Rae Harper

Imposter syndrome: its not you its them - or maybe a bit of both

A 2023 survey of 4000 women by the Young Women’s Trust found that over half of the women surveyed experience imposter feelings, compared with fewer than half of men. And the setting in which women are most likely to experience imposter syndrome? The workplace.

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Rae Harper Rae Harper

How to manage the workplace during menopause

I’m going to talk about a lot of ‘mmmms’ in this blog. And not the good ‘mmmmm chocolate’ kind. More the ‘is this shit still happening in the 21st century FFS’ kind.




In this blog I share how menopause and the workplace can collide with disastrous results: and steps you can take to minimise the fall out. In other words, let’s talk about how to manage the workplace during menopause.

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Rae Harper Rae Harper

Want a midlife career change? Don’t miss this essential first step.

If you’ve hit your career stride in midlife, fantastic! Recognise what’s going well, and enjoy. If, like so many of us, you’ve got to midlife and thought ‘surely there’s more than this?’, then this blog is for you.

You’re not alone, in fact, you’re right on track. Midlife is the perfect time to take stock of what’s important. But I see many of my clients make this mistake in their career change planning. Start off on the right foot by making sure you don’t miss this essential first step.

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