Wellbeing & Resilience

LIfe is a balance, the universe throws us curve balls and most of the time we can bounce back, we've learnt to roll with the ups and downs. And, then we can't, its crept up on us, the waves have got bigger and we aren't keeping our head above water.

There are plenty of metaphors for overwhelm and struggling. We are mentally, phsyically and emotionally exhausted. I am not medically trained, nor am I a counsellor and I'm not advocating coaching instead of talking to your GP and a counsellor or therapist if you are struggling. What wellbeing and resilience coaching will give you is tools and techniques to put into practice to stop you from reaching burnout.

Looking after you has got to be your number one priority.

We will look at resilience models to help you identify the areas you need to address, how you could do this and review the impact it has on your wellbeing.

Wellbeing coaching requires courage and vulnerability, sharing some stories that you may not have shared with others. By showing up you will understand yourself better and the impact you have on others.

  • prioritise yourself and not feel guilty

  • increase self esteem and self worth

  • happier

  • more energy

  • better sleep

  • better time management

  • better decision making

  • boundaries that work for you

  • greater 'presence' for your family and friends

  • tools and techniques to bounce back time and time again

Coaching is 1:1

All women should SHINE, and sometimes we need a little help along the way.

Coaching is 1:1 either in person or online, focused on you and flexible to meet your needs. As a coach, I am a facilitator of the process, to guide you through the content you chose to share.

I am passionate about supporting you to be your best self, for you to be happy, confident, and loving life. I do this by creating a safe space where you feel comfortable to be vulnerable and courageous as we explore together how you can realise your aspirations. By showing up and doing the work you will have a deeper understand of yourself and the impact you have on others.

Coaching isn’t a one size fits all, so you won’t find a complete ‘package’ on this website. You are the expert of you. I help you understand the barriers to you achieving what you want. The topics you bring to each session could vary, that’s ok – they are usually part of the jigsaw you are completing. I’m not a therapist but I have life experience, and extensive experience of working with and supporting women through challenging times in their lives.

Coaching Strategy

Create Intentions

What do you want to achieve from coaching?

You may have intentions, goals or want a plan and together we will explore further the goals from our initial call, we will use these each session to check progress and if they are still what you want to achieve.

Your vision

Your vision and aspirations are so important to this process.

Coaching is a journey, you want change, it could be big or small and to create change you need a vision of where you are going. Together we will explore your hopes and dreams, your purpose and how you are going to get there.

Your values

Your values are your compass, your centre, they are what makes you, you.

They are with you in every conversation you have, the decisions you make, who you spend time with, the work you do. And they change, together we will review your values and how they show up now.

Your strengths

We all have natural talents, and skills that we have developed, we just don’t always know what they are. Together we will check-in on your top strengths and how you use these day to day.


Change doesn’t happen on its own. You have to own it. Turning up isn’t enough.

We will co-create a plan and you will take action. As your coach I will hold you accountable and be your cheerleader at each stage of your journey.

Review and reflection

Creating time for reflection is key to successful and transformational change. What went well, what could have gone better. We will create time for regular check-ins to keep you on track and will become a habit beyond our time together.

Lets get you back on track

At the heart of these areas of focus is of course you, and the rest of your life! Coaching isn’t just about one element of your life, it’s about who you are, who you want to be, what you want to achieve personally, professionally or both.

With a holistic approach to coaching we will work through different aspects of your life that you want to work on. You are on your own journey but you don't have to travel the path alone.